May/04/2016 12:23PM
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If you read this mess of a blog you need to expect results. I spent my career in the private sector where there is accountability. In marketing you get the results or you are gone. I admit I have missed some big ones. My first few blogs, which you can go back and read, addressed the Read the full article…

March/13/2016 9:44AM
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The ignorance of the media has come to America. We’ve had it in Arizona for years. The media have attacked Sheriff Joe on a daily basis for the 18 years we have visited Arizona in the winter. The leftist rag, called the Arizona Republic, which will be gone in 5 years,  has done thousands of editorials Read the full article…

December/10/2015 8:52AM
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I have spent the past 17 winters in Arizona. Every winter I watch the Phoenix media try to get Sheriff Joe Arpiao out of office. See, Joe represents everything the liberal media despises. But, he is giving the voters what they want. So, millions, if not a billion or so, of free media advertising dollars attacking Read the full article…