March/29/2012 16:44PM
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The private sector has given us abundant natural gas without help from Obama. Given his preference, he would stop fracking and end the benefits of new natural gas. With progress comes benefits. Especially if that progress is from the private sector. New natural gas has created new business and new jobs. Not just in the Read the full article…

February/28/2012 21:02PM
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This from the wicked witch of the west, Nancy Pelosi, in a press release.   “Independent reports confirm that speculators are driving up the cost of oil, hurting consumers and potentially damaging the economic recovery. Wall Street profiteering, not oil shortages, is the cause of the price spike.  In fact, U.S. oil production is at Read the full article…

February/24/2012 16:44PM
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President Obama wanted $5 gasoline and now he has it. He’s trying to avoid any responsibility for making it happen. Funny thing about a pending election and how it changes one’s perspective. He says Republicans’ have only one response. Drill. Could that be the right answer? One the president avoids at any cost. If you Read the full article…