March/14/2022 22:18PM
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And, yes, I put the sticker on the pump. Biden and his propaganda machine are desperately trying to blame this somewhere other than on Biden himself, where the blame belongs. First the Pandemic, then Russia, and now the oil companies. The oil companies have been the easy targets for 40 years. Hold Congressional hearings, beat Read the full article…

July/13/2017 7:28AM
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When I started this blog many years ago, US energy was a hot topic. Having spent 35 years in the business I was very dialed in on the subject. Crude oil prices spiked and gasoline was hitting $5 a gallon in some parts of the country. The US government solution, as always, was to hold Congressional Read the full article…

March/10/2016 9:05AM
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  You may think Hillary is a liar, that she should be in jail because of her e-mail issue and the biggest money laundering scheme in history( Clinton Foundation), or that she aided and abetted her serial rapist husband. It may bother you that being first lady, a short-term senator, and a failed Secretary of State Read the full article…