Face it, whoever we choose to run against Obama must run against both Obama and the mainstream media. That means picking the right candidate doesn’t necessarily mean picking the best candidate. Isn’t that depressing? Look at the circus over Sarah Palin’s e-mails. The mainstream media encamped in Alaska to dig through thousands of pages of Read the full article…
It’s a strange society we live in today. one where journalists today must find somewhere to place blame for every illegal act committed. I have a suggestion. Look in the mirror. Watching the coverage of the Tucson tragedy is a case study in that. One of the perpetrator’s demented ramblings on his Internet communications said, Read the full article…
If you don’t get your cap and tax bill passed, no problem. Just have the EPA put in place regulations that would have been in the bill. If Sarah Palin made a fuss about “death panels” when the ObamaCare bill was being debated, no problem. Just slip it in as a regulation between Christmas and Read the full article…