December/28/2018 9:16AM
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Here’s the dope from the pundits:(click title)   Here’s the dope from me. I didn’t charge anyone $30-50 million for this response. Nothing, that’s the answer, no consequences. Now, who pays the taxpayers back for spending this money for nothing? Send the bill to the DNC? Does Mueller become despised for not pulling the Read the full article…

March/08/2015 5:34AM
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Never in my widest dreams did I think I would find any reason to compare a true American hero with Martha Stewart. Martha, as you recall, did some jail time. She was convicted of insider trading and received a jail sentence. Pundits said she was really convicted for lying to the Feds. “After a highly Read the full article…

June/22/2013 9:00AM
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In 1974, Coleman Young was elected mayor of Detroit. He was the first African-American mayor of Detroit. Young had flirtations with the Communist Party but disavowed any real membership. When Young took over as mayor of Detroit the unemployment was 9%. When he left office in 1993 it had grown to 11%. When Young died the worst Read the full article…