September/04/2014 5:40AM
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“If ever a time should come, when vain and aspiring men shall possess the highest seats in Government, our country will stand in need of its experienced patriots to prevent its ruin.” Samuel Adams, 1776 It’s sad, not funny. We have put the country in the hands of those who would make us Cuba. The Read the full article…

August/21/2012 16:40PM
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Five burned, unidentified bodies were found in this vehicle forty miles north of the Mexican border. The state of Arizona and the President of the United States have been at war since Obama was elected. Arizona sees first-hand what illegal immigration means. Violence spills accross borders. Obama is indifferent to violence in Arizona. He wants Read the full article…

June/26/2012 16:27PM
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President Obama has no regard for the Constitution or the laws of our nation. He sits with playing cards of the people we have decided could be a threat to our country. Without any due process of law or even concern for collateral damage, he picks one and has a drone kill that person and anyone Read the full article…