June/20/2013 5:14AM
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The Federal Government wants you to buy an electric car. So much so that the same government will spend money it doesn’t have to encourage you to buy such a car. A $7,500 tax credit for most electrics, like the Chevy Volt. The Energy Department did a calculation that says it costs$1.14 a gallon equivalent Read the full article…

April/20/2012 16:34PM
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    First it was Solyndra, Dr. Chu tells Congressional Hearings there was no scandal. That he wasn’t pushed to make bad loans for a photo op. Of course, the final chapter of the Chu saga remains to be written. Chances are that most, if not all, of his loans were bad. A few billion blown into Read the full article…

April/08/2012 16:06PM
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Isn’t it great to watch someone who is completely delusional give himself a performance appraisal?  Here is Dr. Chu, head of  the DOE, responding to a question on gasoline prices. When I pull up to the pump these days and see the $70 figure eclipsed, I seem to have a different grade in mind for Dr. Read the full article…