November/15/2012 16:41PM
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Click below to see how Illinois or the city of Chicago more specifically  handled the last election.     Chicagoans reelect corrupt politicians: U.S. Rep. Jessie Jackson Jr., Rep. Derrick Smith and Judge Cynthia Brim More Democrats won seats to the Illinois congress, giving them a greater stronghold over the future of the state. A Read the full article…

September/04/2012 16:39PM
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  VS.     Federal suthorities announced Friday that thy’re closing their abuse-of-power investigation into Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio in Arizona without filing charges against him. No surprise it was like Prince Harry challenging Ryan Lochte to a swimming race during his drunken spree in Las Vegas. It does show how close we are Read the full article…

January/11/2012 16:34PM
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Jan Brewer, governor of Arizona gave her State of the State address this week. Arizona will have a budget surplus this year. The one percent sales tax increase approved by the people will phase out as promised in 2013. A tax phased out, unheard of in politics. But, the media in Arizona blasted Brewer. Lamenting Read the full article…