The MRC, Media Research Corporation exposes Sixty Minutes in an article titled Syrupy Minutes. They show the bias the show has for the Liberal Progressive cause. The MRC web page gives you options to send e-mails to to sponsors of the show. I recommend you take a minute and go to the site and send Read the full article…
What was the attendance at the Glen Beck rally on 8/28/10? The Huffington Post and CBS news estimates were 87,000 whites. Or, 87,000 tea baggers. Many others put it at 300,000. Including the New York Times. Some have said as many as 500,000. The Huffington Post estimated the attendance at Obama’s inauguration at over one Read the full article…
As things look bleaker for the Democrats for the fall elections, they are stepping up the action to buy votes to turn their problems around. The $23 billion dollar bill to save teachers jobs is a prime example. Showing loyalty to any union may assuage the other unions for not getting card check approved. Using Read the full article…