August/20/2017 20:42PM
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Leadership requires a special ability to endure pain. Any of us who have ever been in high-powered leadership jobs know this all too well. I saw this quote somewhere and I can’t find the author. “If you are successful, you will win false friends and true enemies. Succeed anyway. People favor underdogs but follow only top Read the full article…

December/20/2016 21:45PM
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First, a disclaimer. This is not a comprehensive list. I reserve the right to add to this before the end of 2016. 1. Anyone named Obama 2. Anyone named Clinton 3. Anything called media-rename this: liberal propaganda 4. election ads 5. crybaby liberals 6. Hollywood celebrities playing politics-most of you should have left the country Read the full article…

July/30/2016 8:45AM
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  I started this blog in 2008 because I believed my grandkids would be living in the first generation in this great country to have a lower standard of living than their parents. If this country elects Hillary Clinton president that is inevitable. We Americans are not known for our patience. We get our news from Read the full article…