April/04/2011 9:00AM
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Want to make a pile of dough over the next ten years? Find a London bookie who will take your bet that ten years from now our imports are up, not down by one third as Obama promises. Why is that a good bet, let me show you. Here’s his master plan. First he will Read the full article…

March/01/2011 16:16PM
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I saw $3.999 gasoline in Los Angeles last week. And, $4.299 diesel. Where will prices go this summer? Predicting energy prices is harder than picking next year’s Super Bowl champion. The unrest in the Middle East is putting a lot of pressure on oil prices. Whether or not the uprisings result in $5.00 gasoline, as Read the full article…

November/27/2010 16:37PM
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Here are my credentials. I spent 34 years in the oil business. I understand the energy business. So far, the Tea Party has been mute on energy. We can’t continue to remain mute. Here’s my simple platform. The United States needs to adopt natural gas as the energy of the future for transportation fuels. Why: Read the full article…