February/24/2016 10:33AM
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What happens when the committee designed to represent the republican party no longer represents the party? What happens when the talking heads on the TV that sell you their candidate for president every four years realize no one is buying their BS? They are no longer relevant. Empty air. The print guys, forget it, they will Read the full article…

December/11/2015 16:22PM
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Dr. Ben Carson may run as an Independent. The RNC thinks it is calling the shots in this presidential election. It’s time for the group to wake up and smell the coffee. They and their ideas are the reason Donald Trump is trouncing their pet candidates. The country is tired of you and all you represent. Read the full article…

January/23/2011 16:13PM
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  The Republican Party has it all figured out. They finallly got rid of Michael Steele after he emptied the cash cupboard. What a prize he was. The party is getting back on the right road. The new Chair is Reince Priebus. Sounds like a sneeze.  Reince Priebus. And, he looks like  Don Knotts. This Read the full article…