January/11/2012 16:34PM
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Jan Brewer, governor of Arizona gave her State of the State address this week. Arizona will have a budget surplus this year. The one percent sales tax increase approved by the people will phase out as promised in 2013. A tax phased out, unheard of in politics. But, the media in Arizona blasted Brewer. Lamenting Read the full article…

June/29/2010 14:22PM
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Days past the two week promise he made to Governor Jan Brewer, President Obama sent some minions to Arizona to meet with the governor with a boring power point presentation responding to the meeting with Brewer in Washington. The upshot of the yawner was a promise to send 524 National Guard troops in staggered numbers Read the full article…

April/22/2010 16:12PM
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As the clock ticks to see if Governor Jan Brewer will sign the new immigration bill into law in Arizona, the media is going absolutely insane. A congressman in Illinois wants Obama to declare it illegal. That congressman, Luis Gutierrez, cut the deal to approve the health care reform bill in exchange for a promise Read the full article…