June/15/2015 18:35PM
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Well, just like the IRS, this blog was hacked. I don’t know if it was the Chinese, the NSA, or an irate liberal. I did get a note from one of the latter and she said it was a shame I survived the plane crash. That’s why they call them bleeding heart liberals, if you Read the full article…

November/05/2014 5:38AM
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Do you remember Joe the Plumber.  He simply asked Obama a question-“did he believe in income redistribution?” Obama lied to Joe. Six years later the entire country knows he lied.Blatantly lied. The few things Obama has done, like ObamaCare, all center around income re-distribution. But, in typical Obama” vote present” style he lied and got rid of Read the full article…

January/24/2012 16:33PM
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Many Americans will spend more time shopping for a flat screen TV for the Super Bowl than deciding who the next president should be. It’s hard work as republicans are finding. It is made harder by those pesky independents. Candidates from both parties are afraid to really show true colors for fear of losing that Read the full article…