November/07/2017 5:21AM
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Some Things Never Change   Here is my entry from July 6, 2008. I could have written most of these yesterday. Donald Trump ran on my 2008 platform. Isn’t this sad? You want change, you have to really want change. Otherwise you get this. The swamp did this with help from other institutions noted below: ACLU, universities, Read the full article…

July/20/2017 6:29AM
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I’m going back and cleaning up some work on the blog. All the way back to February of 2008. Seems the more things change, the more they stay the same. Cloistered Children February/11/2008 23:04PM In three short generations children in the US have lost the option and will to play outside. My father spent his Read the full article…

July/21/2012 16:00PM
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The midnight massacre in Aurora, Colorado is yet another unexplainable tragedy. The politics have already begun. Mayor Bloomberg challenged Obama and Romney to come forth with their solutions. (Hint: more gun control laws that don’t work)  ABC News  incorrectly aired a story claiming the shooter was a Tea Party supporter. Need more proof of major media Read the full article…