Here is my entry from July 6, 2008. I could have written most of these yesterday. Donald Trump ran on my 2008 platform. Isn’t this sad? You want change, you have to really want change. Otherwise you get this. The swamp did this with help from other institutions noted below: ACLU, universities, Hollywood, media, etc. It’s a long list of work for Trump and as we have seen the other corrupt Republicans are no help.
Laundry List of Things That Are Stealing Our Future
If you can say it in a word or two, it’s clearer and takes less time to read. Connect the dots, prioritize the list, add your items, flesh out the thoughts. These are my laundry list of destructive influences on our future in the U.S. Here’s my list:
1. A.C.L.U.
2. Political Correctness
3.Global Warming (green to extreme)
4.Government regulation
6.Legal Illegal Aliens
9. Farm Aid
10.Foreign Aid
12. Secularism
13. U.N.
14.Renewable Energy(False Hope)
15. Liberal Media
16. Hollywood’s Politics
17. Liberal Universities
18. Alterative Lifestyle
19. Islam
20. Internet Porn
21. International Overpopulation
22. Commodity Shortages
23. Value of Dollar
24. National Debt
25. Trade Deficit
26. Prison Overcrowding
27. Sex Offenders
28. National Apathy
29. Corrupt Politicians
30. Outsourcing
31. Troops in ______(Korea, Germany, etc)
32. Family Values(lack of)
33. Significant Other
34. Crime
35. Perversion
36. Obesity
37. Infrastructure deterioration
38. Big Government
39. Personal Liberties(loss of)
40. Nanny Government
41. Income Redistribution
42. Tax and Spend
43. Entitlements
44. Diversity
45. Affirmative Action
46. Race card
47. Class Action
48. Malpractice
49. Political Polling
It looks like “To Many” DO NOTHING / NO COMMON SENCE RINO’S still in office to get Anything Done and when they do – it is a lot of half measures. Most fear their own Shadows – Listen to their Tax Reform Ideas. To many Lawyers in office.
All of our Countries problems have already been solved in Americans backyards over a beer every weekend for years, Simple Solutions – We have all written or visited our Congressman – It Just Goes To Show:
I wrote Trump letters back in early 2011 to run for President – he wrote me back with a signed letter.
I Pray that TRUMP can get it done and or “Hire” Smart People to write legislation to submit to these elected officials.
I wonder how many of these Sick Mass Shooters played those “Shot Um Up” video Games on their TV’s?