February/21/2017 10:40AM
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A thought occurred to me the other day. Our Federal Government has a lot in common with labor unions. First, the labor union is supposed to represent the worker. The Federal Government, the voter. Neither do that. In Wisconsin, Governor Scott Walker got Act 10 passed. This act dramatically curtails collective bargaining for public employees. Read the full article…

December/21/2016 10:54AM
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2016 Was a great year. We got a new president and got rid of one who caused 75% of the public to believe the country was headed in the wrong direction. The media proved they a an extension of the Democratic Party and were zero for 2016 on all predictions. We all know they need to Read the full article…

November/02/2016 9:20AM
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Four years ago I was wrong on Romney. The day before the election I was pretty sure this country had learned that Obama was not the answer. This time I run the risk of being wrong again. It’s hard to imagine that Trump can win against the long odds he is fighting. After all, he’s fighting Read the full article…