May/31/2011 16:05PM
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Politician have always sold out for money. As Rod Blagojevich defends his deplorable actions as governor of Illinois on the witness stand in his trial, nothing in Illinois has changed. The Chicago Tribune printed a story on Memorial Day about Illinois House Speaker Michael Madigan raking in $600,000 at the 30th annual Island Bay Yacht Read the full article…

December/23/2010 16:42PM
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Why are we becoming a country that makes nothing? Why are manufacturing jobs moving elsewhere? Jobs that the so-called working man needs. Here’s my enemy list for the working man. 1. Al Gore and the environmentalists. They had a grand vision of this country being smokeless. They attack all manufacturing plants, all smoke stacks, and Read the full article…

March/09/2010 17:15PM
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As a youth, coaches always prepared you for the competition. Chalk talks, film, and plans to take advantage of the weaknesses of the competition. A game plan. The Tea Party Movement is a loose effort with individuals expressing their outrage about the government we have today. I wanted to take a minute to describe the Read the full article…