This from all places, the NY Times:
“If these patterns persist, we could see a turnout rate at least equaling the turnout rate in 1966, which was 48 percent, and if we beat that then you have to go all the way back to 1914, when the turnout rate was 51 percent,” he said. “We could be looking at a turnout rate that virtually no one has ever experienced.”
All major polls show Republican early voting turnout is greater than Democrat. In Arizona it’s 11% higher.
We have the mob approaching the US from the south, which the media has dropped since polls show this helps the Republican Party. The garage door bomber who was able to get packages to Trump haters all over the country simultaneously with stamps not postmarked. He’s presumed to be living in his van but he has the wherewithal to make bombs and send them across the country in some way that they get delivered through the post office with stamps being cancelled. Then we have the Jewish Temple shooting in Pittsburgh.
The media feeds on the Sayoc van with Trump stickers. Not so much on the Pittsburgh tragedy.
This is a critical election for both parties and millions have been spent in the nastiest political ads I’ve ever seen. Far left newspapers like the Chicago Tribune and Arizona Republic give us their endorsements. Gee, they endorse far-left candidates.
I may be wrong and was on Romney vs. Obama, but right on Trump vs. Clinton, but I believe Americans vote with their wallets. Combine that with the horde coming from the south and I predict the Republican Party will hold both the House and Senate.
From your lips to God’s ears.