Paul Ryan : ” We Weren’t Elected to Defend Donald Trump”

July/25/2017 8:37AM
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Ryan’s latest quote. Let’s examine that statement. Here’s Ryan’s latest election results. Here are the people who voted for Ryan, all 230,072 vs. 60,000,000 who voted for Trump. Mr. Ryan your are a moron. As are the people in the media who get up every day and say I think I will piss off 60MM consumers. Include the Democrats who believe they will succeed by playing Paul Ryan ball. Just oppose him. This is going to turn out badly for Ryan, his RINO friends, the Democrats and the media. Just like it did for Hillary.

General election

[hide]U.S. House, Wisconsin District 1 General Election, 2016
PartyCandidateVote %Votes
RepublicanGreen check mark transparent.pngPaul Ryan Incumbent65%230,072
DemocraticRyan Solen30.2%107,003
Trump ConservativeSpencer Zimmerman2.7%9,429
LibertarianJason Lebeck2.1%7,486
Total Votes353,990
Source: Wisconsin Elections Commission
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