Funny thing how bad news for Obama never gets much media attention. The Supreme Court this week put a stay on his big promise to the world in Paris about setting an example for them on how to reduce carbon emissions. Just another line in the sand that gets crossed.
The challenged regulation, which was issued last summer by the Environmental Protection Agency, requires states to make major cuts to greenhouse gas pollution created by electric power plants, the nation’s largest source of such emissions. The plan could transform the nation’s electricity system, cutting emissions from existing power plants by a third by 2030, from a 2005 baseline, by closing hundreds of heavily polluting coal-fired plants and increasing production of wind and solar power.
Basically, like most regulations, it’s nice to set a big goal that can’t be met. So coal-fired plants get closed, mines are shut down, hundreds are put out of work and the solar and wind fails to keep pace with the lost power from closed plants. Electricity costs go up, poor suffer, and very little change occurs in the global carbon emissions measurement. Obama was a big man for a day in Paris and is off doing his two restaurants for the Food Channel and no one is responsible for the mess he left behind. Can you say, ObamaCare?
When a viable clearer substitute for coal powered electricity is developed it will replace coal and it will be cheaper. Like fracking has done for the oil industry. We and other countries have thrown billions at solar and wind and haven’t made a dent. Big solar plants in the desert use water we don’t have and wind kills birds by the hundreds.
It seems the Supreme Court by the normal 5-4 margin made a good decisions. But, the next president will be picking new judges and the wrong president can make good decisions like this go away quickly.
Post script: As I was writing this last paragraph the thought occurred to me that Ruth Bader Ginsburg is in bad health. The possibility of her passing before next February or stepping down due to her poor heath made me think of what would happen if that were the case. Now we will see. My next entry will address the fist phase of the process to replace Justice Scalia.