Obama’s Greatest Frustration as President

June/24/2014 5:36AM
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WASHINGTON (AP) – President Barack Obama says his biggest frustration so far as president is that American society hasn’t been willing to take steps to strengthen gun control.


Obama is reflecting on frequent mass shootings during a question-and-answer session on social media site Tumblr. He says the U.S. should be ashamed.

Obama says there’s no place else in the world where mass shootings are a once-a-week occurrence. He says the country must do some soul-searching.

Obama says he respects gun rights. But he says he was stunned after the Newtown school shooting that Washington couldn’t even pass universal background checks. He’s citing the political strength of the National Rifle Association and gun manufacturers.

Obama says until there’s public opinion or a fundamental shift, the problem won’t change. He says as a parent, that’s terrifying.

My greatest frustration is the bleak realization that all the problems on Obama’s plate, all his failures and shortcomings, all the messes he has made, and a little $17 trillion-dollar debt rate behind gun control.

What a leader. He erases the blackboard every day and has a problem de jour. Narcissistic adult ADHD is a real solid personality type for a president. It allows him to lie without conscience. He is never responsible for anything except victory laps and applause. He cares nothing for anyone except himself.

Meanwhile his replacement, Ms. Clinton, is taking a book tour victory lap. The local Chicago news media has given her millions in free publicity for a book that a million monkeys could have written given enough word processors and time.  Telling the public how broke she was when they left the White House with an $8 million book advance and two houses friends had bought for them.  Broke as she was, she still had a limo and a driver since she hasn’t driven a car for 20 years. Poor dear.

We are indeed a very misguided country.

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