Family Christmas Cheer

December/24/2013 5:08AM
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pj boy and obma's selfie

It’s that time of year when families gather to celebrate the birth of Christ and exchange gifts and good cheer. Our president, always the man with the quick wit, wants to help us structure the conversation around the Christmas dinner table. As you can see by the picture(above) a selfie by the president himself, he’s a real jokester. Perhaps Michelle is not enjoying this little caper by the look on her face. Seated to the left of the attractive young lady the president is hitting on, is the little fellow he wants you to bring to your Christmas dinner. It’s a twenty-something in a onesie pajama outfit sipping hot chocolate. I guess my namesake from Duck Dynasty, Phil Robertson, won’t be inviting the young lad to his Christmas dinner.

Have we gone absolutely crazy in this country? We have a president, who is a clown, taking selfies at a funeral, asking us to talk up his loser of a health care plan over Christmas dinner and a man in the leading cable tv show suspended for free speech. Using a grown man in a onesie sipping hot chocolate trying to sell his ObamaCare wreck says tons about the plan.  A poll taken this week shows that 53% of the uninsured on health care don’t like the plan the president put together for them. We destroyed the best health care system in the world for this small minority and they don’t like what we gave them. Why? It costs something. Going to the emergency room has been free. Why pay? Won’t pay.

Somehow, I hope to avoid everything Obama at our Christmas dinner. No one around that table would care to discuss anything he has to suggest. Unless, it’s the look on Michelle’s face in the picture.

Merry Christmas. The young lad in the onesie, should he be present at your Christmas table, likes figgy pudding with the hot chocolate.

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