We let those we elect to Congress create exceptions to normal private sector employment rules and regulations. We, by a count of 91%, do not approve of the performance we get for the pay we grant this group. They could care less. There is no fear of losing their jobs. They operate by a set of rules no group of shareholders would allow. Let me point out a few.
They work until they die in office. Most corporations have a mandatory retirement age for senior executives. Why? Diminished capacity. Like it or not, it’s a reality. Obama just nominated a woman to head the Federal Reserve who is past that age. She is going to strap on one of the most important jobs in this country when she would be retiring in the private sector. Since I’m well past the mandatory retirement age of 65 in most companies, I can confess to the reality that I’m not as sharp and do not have the energy I had at 55. Good genes and good health help, but like it or not, the memory and the body slow with age.
They amass tremendous wealth while being paid modest salaries. No one demands an audit.
They pass ethics laws periodically then immediately find ways to skirt the laws just passed. Sixty Minutes cited the so-called Leadership PAC. It allows members of Congress to create a “slush fund” financed by lobbyists and special interests. It retires with them and has few spending limits. They hire family members to work on campaigns and pay them from these funds. They loan themselves campaign cash and charge the campaign high rates of interest.
They vote themselves pay raises that have nothing to do with performance.
They have retirement and health benefits that are better than 90% of private sector benefits. Then, they refuse to go on ObamaCare.
They spend much of their time creating campaign cash. If they get enough, it pretty much insures they will always be reelected.
They work short hours when they work, and seldom work.
If you write them a letter you get a form letter in return.
A large majority are lawyers who couldn’t succeed practicing law. Did you ever wonder why so few top corporate executives have law degrees? Simple, few make good executives as evidenced by the problems we are having in our country today. Attorneys get mired in detail, seldom take risks, and talk a lot and do little real work. Sound familiar?
Basically, we have hired a bunch of inept clowns to run our country. And, they thumb their noses at us and work for those who pay them outside the system. That pay allows them to keep their jobs even though we despise them.We vote based on campaign advertising. It’s not toothpaste, but they buy our votes like tooth paste is sold.
If any company tried to sell us the crap we are buying from these clowns, that company would be out of business in short order. Our problem is no competition. One clown is a bad as the next. Quality people with real leadership skills don’t run for public office. They prefer to work with other quality people and see none in Washington.
We suck when it comes to our hiring practices.