NAME: Jessica Mazza,
AGE:28 year-old
RESIDENCE: California
SCHOOL: Ball State University
DEGREE IN: Business Management WANTED TO BE: Human Resource Manager CURRENT JOB: waitress, serves customers at Novel cafe in Santa Monica, California.
This is from the WSJ-yahoo.
The Class of 2012 may have few reasons to celebrate this year. Along with the long-term unemployed, experts say their prospects are the bleakest among all job-seekers.
The U.S. economy added a lower-than-expected 80,000 jobs last month, according to data Friday from the Labor Department. Though the overall unemployment rate remained unchanged at 8.2%, experts say this year’s 1.8 million college graduates have a rough job search ahead. “Over the last five years, the jobs situation has gotten increasingly intense for each successive graduating class,” says Paul T. Conway, president of Generation Opportunity, a non-profit think-tank based in Arlington, Va. “Their concern is now palpable.”
The last half-decade has not been good to graduates. Only a half of those who graduated since 2006 are now employed full time, according to a recent Rutgers University survey. More college graduates are settling for jobs that in years past would have gone to those without degrees, while people in their 30s are now occupying jobs once taken by recent graduates, says Carl Van Horn, professor of public policy and director of Rutgers’ John J. Heldrich Center for Workforce Development.
But if all the young people who’ve already given up looking for jobs are included — the 1.7 million people aged 18-29 who’ve been out of work for more than a year — the latest 8.2% unemployment figure would be closer to 16.8% for that age group, Conway says. That’s the highest unemployment rate for that age group since World War II. “Their story is one of few opportunities, delayed dreams, and stalled careers,” he says.
Here’s what you have and don’t have with President Obama. If you plan to vote you might want to think about this.
Things you don’t have:
1. A job. You are in the highest unemployment category. Prospects for jobs for you don’t look to improve for you with the current economic plan. If you are a young teacher just out of college, you will be placed in line behind those working with seniority and tenure. Good luck. Employers are hiring experienced workers rather than pay to train young graduates. That will only happen when the GDP reaches typical levels, not the current 2% growth rate.
2. A student loan you can’t pay. (See 1, above, jobs) Hence, you have no assets.
3. Your independence. Without a job and with a student loan you can’t afford your own place.
4. A nest egg. In better times when jobs were easy to land many graduates were able to get their own place, pay their loans, and save some money for the future. Not today.
5. Doubts that you will ever see many government benefits, you own most of the $16 trillion debt. Your parents and grandparents will use that up and you will pay their tab to do that.
6. International unrest. Watch the American flags being burned. They might not mean anything to you today, but if it get’s worse, it will. You see we have consumed the volunteer army in Iraq and Afghanistan. The next war will see the selective service draft again. You will get a lottery number and if that number comes up, you will have a job. Whether you want it or not.
What you do have:
1. Free health insurance if your parents have health insurance.
2. Food stamps
3. A free cell phone
4. The knowledge that you voted for a man who was cool.
5. Parents who want you gone from the house.
6. A growing realization that your generation is being screwed over.
Some of us went through this with Jimmy Carter. We’ve been there, got the T-Shirt, and understand what is happening to our youth today.
You might want to listen to us. We saw Reagan bail out the country. Your vote will count.