Save the Alaskan Pipeline

June/08/2011 16:35PM
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It’s a big goal of the environmental freaks. If they can keep Alaskan oil exploration at bay for just a few more months, they can close the Alaskan pipeline. By law it must be dismantled. Then, if by some chance when gasoline is $10 a gallon and some president, with interests in keeping America whole as a country, tries to reverse what Obama has done it will be too late.

Even though Obama has released some Alaskan land for drilling, lawsuits from environmental groups keep drilling from starting. The Trans-Alaskan Pipeline in it’s heyday brought 2.2 million barrels a day to the lower 48. It’s now 660,000 barrels a day. It won’t take much more to shut it down completely.

What’s at stake? There is the National Petroleum Reserve Alaska holding up to 15 billion barrels of oil.The Arctic National Wildlife refuge, in just 2,000 acres, there is 16 billion barrels. The Chukchi and Beaufort Seas with 30 billion barrels.

The Obama administration does what the trivial lawsuits don’t do. The Army Corps of Engineers have kept Conoco from getting a permit they have been seeking for five years.

Why is lying about why we have $4 gasoline any different than Wiener lying about showing his wiener? I don’t really care about Wiener showing his wiener. He’s a very sick man, but it won’t affect my kids and grand kids. But, Obama lying about the root cause of high gasoline prices and keeping this game going while the Trans Alaska pipeline dries up and gets dismantled to appease his far left environmental freaks is a serious lie.

We have $4 gasoline for the same reason we have 9% unemployment, a housing market in the tank, consumer confidence at an all-time low, and inflation. We have a man in office who is making it worse for everyone in this country and will make it even worse for future generations.

Regardless of the platform the Republican candidate chooses to pick to run against Obama, if the energy policy isn’t to stop the insanity in energy development in this country, we had better not pick that candidate.

When we run out of gasoline even all the flatulence in Washington won’t be enough green wind power to get your kids to that soccer game.

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