Shredding the Constitution

March/29/2009 5:23AM
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Nothing matters in Washington anymore. Europe is moving to capitalism as we move to socialism, or worse. Sweden said to Saab, you are on your own, while we ship money to GM and Chrysler. The ECU has a maximum deficit rule that would disqualify the US from being a part of the ECU. Maximum of 3%. We will be 20% in no time.

Congress writes a stimulus bill. In that bill, at the insistence of one Tim Geihner, is a provision to pay contractual bonuses due toemployees of bailout companies. The public goes nuts. Geithner lies, then is caught in his lie. The President supports the lying tax cheat. Congress must do something, so the house passes a bill that will tax anyone who receives a bonus from any firm that got more than $5 billion in bail out money at a 90% basis on that bonus. Only one problem. There are at least three provisions of the constitution that prevent congress from doing just that. Our forefathers came here from England because that was a favorite trick of the old country. If I don’t like you, I just take everything you have by taxing you. Gee, do you think congress or the President ever read the Constitution? I though the President taught Constitutional Law at one time. 

What is this country coming to? Not satisfied with that, Geithner announces he wants the power to take over businesses that might be failing. Whoops? Unconstitutional again. But, you say, we take over banks. That’s because the banks buy insurance from the FDIC and there is a provision to do that. Other businesses, no. Only imminent domain. 

Remember when we had shade tree mechanics who worked on cars. They had no sophisticated electronic equipment to analyze what was wrong with an engine, just trial and error. Try this, try that, keep at it until you find the problem. You might replace most of the engine before you get it fixed. 

That’s what we have in Washington now. A bunch of hacks who are taking out key parts of our foundation and trying new stuff regardless of law, the constitution, or the cost, now, or to the future.

As Europe turns away from socialism, we turn toward it.

Everything that’s made this country great is under attack and now it’s the very basic underpinning, the constitution. It’s like Italy in the last century.

Some things are sacred and I, for one, believe the Constitution is one of those sacred cows. I do not believe for one second that Tim Geithner or Barack Obama are wiser than the people who put this document together and the others who have kept it viable for over 200 years. So to congress, Tim and President  Obama, I say butt out. Quit trying to ignore the laws of our land, stop all efforts  to destroy the fabric of this country ,and listen up because we are not going to have it. 

President Obama, maybe you won, but you didn’t run on this ticket, and your welcome is wearing thin so fast it unbelievable. You need to get control of an out of control congress and administration, and show some leadership and restraint.

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  1. Chris Johnson says:

    <<Congress must do something, so the house passes a bill that will tax anyone who receives a bonus from any firm that got more than $5 billion in bail out money at a 90% basis on that bonus. Only one problem. There are at least three provisions of the constitution that prevent congress from doing just that. Our forefathers came here from England because that was a favorite trick of the old country. If I don’t like you, I just take everything you have by taxing you. Gee, do you think congress or the President ever read the Constitution? I though the President taught Constitutional Law at one time. >>

    Come on….. it was the foolish House of Representatives that passed this bill of attainder. It was a bipartisan effort.

    The President has said he opposes it and the grownups in the Senate will not pass anything of the sort.

    Please…. feel free to rail against the bipartisan foolishness that comes out of the House (including the shameless "outrage" of the AIG bonus "hearings") but don’t mislead your readers about the President’s views on the matter for political expediancy.

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