A Democratic Blog

March/12/2009 19:00PM
8 interesting comments, join the discussion
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Unlike Washington, this is a democratic blog. Your vote counts.

When I started this blog on January 26, 2008, I did so because I had a growing concern for the future of my 6 grand kids. In just over 14 months, that concern has extended to my generation and my children’s generation. Hence, the title of the blog, Grandparents of America Awaken, no longer applies. Everyone needs to awaken.

I have promised to upgrade the blog. Complete with a new title. As I write a new design is being put together to professionalize the blog.

I have registered 7 new potential titles for the upgraded blog. Here they are:

1. America is Shrinking in my Rear View Mirror

2. Fixing America’s flats

3. Lifeline to Freedom

4. No Smoke Blown

5. No Teleprompters Needed

6. Spackle for America’s Cracks

7. The Fire Extinguisher

Please look these over and give my your one best choice. You can do that by hitting the comments at the end of the blog and respond with your top pick. Remember your vote counts. But, unlike they do in Chicago, don’t vote early and often. Just one vote please.

When finished, you will be able to find the blog at this same address and it will automatically come up. 

I really appreciate your dedication to reading this work on a regular on even infrequent basis. Readership keeps growing and it keep me dedicated to putting in the time and work.

I believe we are on the verge of doing serious damage to the principles that have made this country so unique and such a great place to live and do good works. My parents struggled though the Great Depression and my Dad served in WWII. We grew up in solid but humble beginnings. I was the first person in my family to ever graduate from college. My parents got the three of us through at more than a little hardship to them. My modest accomplishments in this life would not have been possible without that sacrifice. 

I am dedicated to doing whatever I can do to reverse this slide into Socialism. Capitalism and personal initiative has served us well for our history. Socialism has never worked anywhere. Why do we want to do that to the pride of the world?

So, if you choose, take a minute and give me your ideas about a new title. It would be greatly appreciated.    

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Comments (8)

  1. Tom Reynolds says:

    I vote for # 2.

  2. John Spreitzer says:

    # 3 Lifeline To Freedom

  3. Ed M says:

    Gotta go with #5! Nothing phoney about this blog! Keep up the great work.

  4. darrel says:

    I kind of like the grandfather thing best. Afterall, by the time (or if) we get this thing settled, all reading this now will be grandparents or more.

    From a great grandparent!

  5. Mac says:

    I’ll go with #5. Way too much smoke coming out of Washington in general and the White House in particular these days.

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