Life For Our Grandchildren

December/08/2008 0:13AM
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Why should we be concerned for the future of our grandchildren?

We’ve come a long ways in three generations. My parents generation lived on farms or in small towns in small houses or in big cities in small apartments. They grew up with the automobile. Very few people could afford to fly. Most who travel out of the country did so during WWII in the military. Few went to college. Many or most worked with their hands. They also grew up without TV.

Our generation migrated to the suburbs. Land became important. You owned a  lot with a lawn and a power mower. Many of us were the first of our families to graduate from college. We flew for business and pleasure. Most of us have traveled internationally. We may have worked for the same company for most of our careers. We worked hard and played hard. Lived in the backyard and in front of the TV. Many of us know how to do things around the house by ourselves, but may not choose to. We had it much better than our parents. We had Vietnam , the cold war, polio, but no Great Depression or World War. Those who worked in cities commuted.

Our kids went to college, married later, married often, bought bigger houses on bigger lots and manage their careers by moving between companies.  Both parents work and day care is the order of the day. They had Desert Storm and now the Iraqi War and Afghanistan. They had kids later than past generations. They and their kids started flying as babies and it’s how they travel. Life is big. Everything about it. The cars are big, kids are big, yards are big, and dreams are big. The computer is key to their lives. Blackberries, lap tops, and desk tops. Can’t live without them.

Their kids, our grand kids, are just starting to grow up. Some are just reaching the teen years. How does their future look?

If you listen carefully to the people who are deciding their futures, we have made it impossible for them to move forward. They say we have poisoned the planet, grown obese, been too greedy, overextended our credit, become dependent on illegal immigrants to do our hard work, grown lazy, stopped making anything, overbought the world’s energy, borrowed too much, and are the bane of the world.

So, according to them, we have to stop driving, flying, living in houses over 1,000 sq ft. eating, borrowing, having children, making money, and start feeding the world.

But, I see no indication that any of “them”, the ones who want to make this happen,  plan to do any of this. It’s a do what I say is best for you, but don’t ask me to do the same.

Look at the beltway around Washington, there is no recession there. Hollywood is fine. Politicians steal all they need to make sure they and the next three generations do fine. The wealthiest in America, Gates and Buffet won’t suffer.

The displaced in America, those whose voices are not heard because they feel it is a lost cause, might choose a different path. I don’t plan to be silent because I owe it to my grandchildren to be a voice. Louder than the fools who are taking us down a bad road. This is not a Democrat or Republican thing, this is an American thing.

By being silent, you condemn your grandchildren to make undue choices that fools are deciding. Do you want that to be your legacy to them?

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Comments (2)

  1. Chris Johnson says:

    <<If you listen carefully to the people who are deciding their futures, we have made it impossible for them to move forward. They say we have poisoned the planet, grown obese, been too greedy, overextended our credit, become dependent on illegal immigrants to do our hard work, grown lazy, stopped making anything, overbought the world’s energy, borrowed too much, and are the bane of the world.

    So, according to them, we have to stop driving, flying, living in houses over 1,000 sq ft. eating, borrowing, having children, making money, and start feeding the world.>>

    It is true that we need to be better stewards of the planet, so that we can pass along a better place to our kids – the hope of every generation of parents. We do have a problem with overindulgence in this country… if a few fries are good, super sizing ’em is better! But even tho we have a few problems (they call me "Mr. Understatement"), there is still no place better to be.

    I don’t hear any of the "people who are deciding their futures" saying that we have to stop driving or flying or living in the houses that we do. It’s the banks that won’t lend, not the people who won’t borrow. It’s China that only allows 1 kid, not the US.

    And there is nothing wrong with trying to feed the hungry.

    I don’t know who you are listening to, but either they aren’t the same people I’m listening to or you are only hearing what you want to hear and not what they are actually saying.

  2. bill robertson says:

    When your son can’t afford to fly, eat, drive, or find a job you will see my point. It’s a dream you’ve bought into. This is reality. Ask the guy on the line at GM how much flying his son will be doing in the next few years. There isn’t enough money left to feed the world. We are making undue sacrifices for the dreams of dreamers. Wake up Chris.


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