Free investment advice. It’s a foregone conclusion that we as a county are going to transition to be ahead of the pack in doing more than our share for climate control. We will only do it from the supply side. We in the US are energy hogs and we have no plans to make any sacrifices on the demand side. Are you kidding me? I want to do my part for global warming, unless it means I have to sacrifice more than sorting my trash.
Since we are not going to do it for ourselves, like bad children, we are going to get it done to us. Without any domestic supply and with worldwide and domestic demand growing, we are going to enjoy shortages. Wait, I want to do my part for global warming, but $10 gasoline, triple utility bills, and a sick economy, no one asked me it I would do that. Fix it. Oh, you can’t for at least five years or more. How did this happen? You asked for it, you watched it happen, here’s how to live with it.
Sells. Right now, sell that SUV. It will never be worth more. If you want to keep it as a classic car, fine, but if not, sell it today. If you have a boat, sell it. You won’t be able to tow it to the lake or to buy fuel. Boat prices are already down. Sell it now. If you have a travel trailer or RV, sell it now. There won’t be any in 5-10 years, so dump it now. If you have a cottage on the lake, sell it. You won’t be able to afford to go there and neither will anyone else. Cottages will sell for peanuts. Second home, sell it. Big house, sell it. The demand will be for small, energy efficient condos. House too far from work, sell it. Can’t afford to commute. Airline stock, sell. Country club memberships, dump them. You will be able to join the best for nothing in a few years. Private planes, snow mobiles, and other recreational toys, sell. Sell your skis, unless you live next to the mountain, you won’t be doing a lot of skiing. Jobs—you need to be close to work. No sales jobs where you fly or drive to see the customer. If you are in that field, re-train. Schools, most kids will be home schooled. Schools can’t afford buses or heat. Universities are the most inefficient institutions in the world to heat, most will close. Courses will be on-line.
Holds. Hold all assets that are not going to be effected by no new energy. Railroads may be a good investment. Bus lines. It’s really hard to name much that will be worth holding in this country. Farms will not be productive because there are no tax dollars to help with energy costs. If you have a car that gets over 30MPG keep it but convert it to CNG(compressed natural gas now) and put a compressor in your garage. Natural gas is about our only salvation. Whatever wealth you are able to retain will help make life more livable for you and your extended family.
Buy anything that will allow you to live above poverty level and pay your energy bills. Invest in any company that is allowed to create new energy by the new government. That is expanding quickly since the go green fast people are all out and exiled from public office forever. The go green depression will probably last another 5 years before we can bring our own energy supplies up to minimum level for a basic economy. In the meantime, we live in fear that someone will attack us and we have no energy to defend our shores.
Like this? This is what we are setting ourselves up for. Cut our own supply willingly by eliminating all options. Not cutting our demand. Hoping others in the world will take pity on us and sell us their scarce resources at a bargain. It is absolutely insane but you are a part of it. Just sit and watch. It’s a bleak future.
I don’t have any of those things you have mentioned I should sell, except the company Ford SUV, which is owned by BP. I don’t have a boat, winter or summer cottage, no jet skis, but you did not mention anything about golf clubs? I have to draw the line somewhere and will not be selling the clubs anytime soon.
Unfortunately, I just purchased a new computer before reading your latest blog about selling everything. Sorry. I am looking at replacing all of my light bulbs, but haven’t gotten around to doing it.
I have requested my landscaper to get rid of all of his gasoline lawnmowers and switch to something that is more environmentally friendly, like one of those old type push mowers my grandfather use to use to cut his 25 foot wide lawn with. Those Mexican’s should love that.