February/04/2010 15:06PM
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We got exactly what we deserved by electing a community organizer president. With zero experience in the real world, his thought processes are severely flawed. Every idea, every plan, every program he has put forth in the first year has bombed. Every one. His first big idea, close Gitmo. Not only is it not closed, Read the full article…

December/27/2009 13:29PM
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No, this isn’t about the rousing speech President Obama is working on in Hawaii for the big January get-together with all of us. You know, the speech where he will tell us all the great things he did in 2009 and how good things will be in 2010, thanks mainly, to his good work. This Read the full article…

December/03/2009 21:08PM
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There is a job opening for the worst job in America. Dust up your resume. No, it’s not the head coaching job at Notre Dame, it’s the CEO job at Government Motors. In my July 18th, 2009 entry I described why this is an impossible job. Fritz Henderson lasted far longer than I thought he Read the full article…