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Better Lives for Our Grandchildren: A Plane Crash Survivor's Perspective on Politics and Life , by Bill Robertson (Author)

A retired marketing executive of a $40 billion corporation, Bill Robertson has led an interesting life. Growing up in Niles, Michigan, he attended Harvard Business School, ran a marathon, scaled Mt. Rainier, played a round of golf with Neil Armstrong, met President Reagan, and made six holes in one. He also survived a devastating airline disaster aboard United Airlines Flight 232, which crashed in Sioux City, Iowa. The crash changed his priorities and his life. Spending time with a growing family became his top concern, and he worried for the future of his six grandkids. The future looked bleak. His grandkids’ generation might be the first to have a lower standard of living than their parents. This book, Better Lives for Our Grandchildren: A Plane Crash Survivor's Perspective on Politics and Life, shows how he applied his extensive marketing experience to examine the direction of the country by taking the reader on the journey that led to the election of Donald J. Trump as president. The country wanted change, and Bill’s book identifies why there was so much angst and what the country is doing to change direction.

September/21/2022 14:47PM
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Let’s send $11 billion a year of your tax dollars to countries with corrupt leaders who will pretend to build windmills and solar farms while lining their pockets. Share

September/18/2022 13:01PM
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In posh parts of this country controlled by liberals like Martha’s Vineyard, they pay lip service to being a sanctuary for illegals and support open borders. But ship them a planeload of 50 like Governor DeSantis did and woe to those poor illegals when they arrive. Gather them up while like terrified locals sip wine Read the full article…

September/15/2022 8:07AM
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Sean Hannity is beating the drum that this report will finally bring justice to the Russian hoax. Will it? Do you believe for one minute that the justice system in this country that pulled over a pillow salesman, Mike Lindell, to confiscate his cell phone will expose the Clinton’s, the Obama’s, and the Biden’s for Read the full article…