October/19/2022 8:23AM
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Biden announced today he will draw another 15 million barrels from the strategic petroleum reserve. Playing politics with the SPR is just another bad idea by Biden. Some other President will pay the price when there is panic need for domestic oil. It’s down to 427 million barrels. Lowest since 1984. Biden has lowered the Read the full article…

October/15/2022 9:00AM
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Here’s a lack of logic in the energy plans of the current administration. Biden and the Democrats in Congress are very proud of the trillion-dollar infrastructure bill they passed. To rebuild, build, and repair the roads and bridges this bill will encompass tons of asphalt will be required. They passed a $350 billion bill to Read the full article…

October/04/2022 7:20AM
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It has never stopped since he came down the escalator. The media and Democrat Party attacks on the man. They won. We have a turnip for a President who has turned this country into a disaster. When Trump was President, the country was running like a Swiss watch. Now it’s a broken watch only gives Read the full article…