June/23/2012 16:42PM
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Let’s take a look at the people who got Obama elected in 2008 and how they have benefited from his presidency. 1. Black Americans. Highest unemployment in history 2 Hispanics. Highest unemployment in history. Record deportations. 3. Wall Street. Public humiliation, called fat cats, and Dodd Frank with more to come 4. Jewish Americans. Obama Read the full article…

February/05/2012 16:31PM
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What prompted President Obama to pick a fight with Catholics? What can he possibly gain from what he did? He signed off on a Health and Human Services ruling that says that under ObamaCare, Catholic institutions, including charities, hospitals, and schools will be required by law to provide and pay for insurance coverage that includes Read the full article…

October/31/2011 16:09PM
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Every day it seems more apparent. We are not united in this county on many fronts. And, for the next year it will only get worse. We have a president who is campaigning on that lack of unity. He is driving a bigger wedge in those gaps. Since all he does is campaign, he is Read the full article…