May/26/2016 5:20AM
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This week Mr. McDonald said waiting for the medical treatment for veterans was no different from waiting in line at Disneyworld. Except, you might die, Bob.  I wrote a blog about this jerk on 11-12-14 saying he was a loser. When they fire him in the next week or so, I will have to say once again, Read the full article…

July/21/2010 16:07PM
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What creates a junior bureaucrat? First, you need low self-esteem. Someone who has a job that is repetitive and has no clear goals or measurable results. Couple that with levels of management above that has one requirement,”don’t embarrass me.” How does a junior bureaucrat gain job satisfaction? By creating problems for the people they serve. Read the full article…

September/13/2009 19:19PM
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Despite all the denials about the Sarah Palin claim that the proposed health care reforms being considered have so-called government death panels included, there is evidence in place of this intent. Check what’s happened at the Veteran’s Administration. Most of this information comes from an article in the Wall Street Journal, dated 8-19-09 written by Read the full article…