April/23/2013 6:26AM
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Do your elected officials work for you or do they work for tax attorneys and CPA’s? Is H&R Block more important than your vote? Another April 15th has come and gone without tax reform. Not Obama tax reform, which means raising taxes under the guise of tax reform, but true tax reform. Reforming a tax Read the full article…

April/22/2011 16:18PM
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Arthur Laffer, the man who gave us the Laffer Curve, the proof that the higher the taxes, the less you collect, now has a new idea. He crunched numbers to show that 30 cents on the tax dollar collected goes to prepare the tax returns. Want to reduce the deficit by $431 billion a year. Read the full article…

June/02/2010 14:55PM
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Catch phrases and catch words come and go. I’ve been observing how often I’m hearing the phrase, “the timing is not right.” It is coming primarily from the Democratic Party, but it gets used by all politicians today. Here are a few of the issues the phrase gets attached to: Social Security Reform Immigration Control Read the full article…