November/03/2010 16:45PM
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First, Barack Obama. He will be getting a visit from the Democratic Party heads with lots of advice. He will find he isn’t a “King” like he told attendees at one of his dozens of campaign stops last week. He’s now a near liability to his own party. He will get a lot of help Read the full article…

October/23/2010 16:04PM
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We are posting a job position. Minority candidates need not apply, since the previous job holder was a minority and we fired him by e-mail and telephone after 10 years of loyal service. We should tell you we may be cutting budgets since we will no longer be getting tax dollars to support our company. Read the full article…

September/02/2009 16:48PM
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President Obama is gearing up for the big speech to get his health care reform passed. This speech will be no more helpful to health care reform than the last several by Obama have been. Why? President Obama still believes all of America is captivated by him and his speeches. Sorry, Mr. President, but you Read the full article…