We have no energy shortage in the United States. You will pay dearly for gasoline, heat, and other utilities because your political leaders have failed you for 30 years. When the first energy crunch hit, the politicians found they could simply blame the oil companies for everything. That has worked for thirty years. Why? A Read the full article…
I saw $3.999 gasoline in Los Angeles last week. And, $4.299 diesel. Where will prices go this summer? Predicting energy prices is harder than picking next year’s Super Bowl champion. The unrest in the Middle East is putting a lot of pressure on oil prices. Whether or not the uprisings result in $5.00 gasoline, as Read the full article…
The the death from a thousand pin pricks a confluence of bad decisions on our energy future are converging to insure we may never recover from our economic woes. There is no common sense in our current energy perspective. For comparison, look at what we have unconsciously done to our manufacturing in this country. Two Read the full article…