Now we see the Nanny State clearly. Obesity in America is bringing out he worst in the people who belive they can control obesity. Just like prohibition, they will go too far. They put forth ideas like outlawing unhealthy foods in schools, taking out vending machines, not allowing fast food restaurants within a certain distance Read the full article…
Not content with regulating everything that moves, Obama is now after cigars. Since he smokes cigarettes, I guess cigars have to be the target. I quit smoking cigarettes in 1967. But, a few years ago I started having a cigar or two on the golf course. Only on the golf course. That’s my rule and Read the full article…
For the first time in my lifetime we have a President of the United States who wants to re-write the Constitution. Our founding fathers must be spinning in their graves. Some of the founders feared this and wrote about such a possibility. This President supposedly is an expert on the Constitution. But, he has in Read the full article…