August/04/2017 15:08PM
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People’s habits for communicating and receiving communications are changing. Politicians and  the media are going to need to adjust. Robo political calls to homes are going to be a thing of the past. (thank God). Newspapers will be gone, at least the major metro papers. Now, TV sets are leaving the households much like phones did. While Read the full article…

March/15/2017 10:15AM
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 #TrumpTaxReturn Rachel Maddow” from ZOLA™ for TRUMP!??’s TweetDownload the Twitter app Kind of sums it up doesn’t it? They have never let up from day one. Then the worst of the worst, Rachael Maddow does her best Geraldo opens the vault imitation. Hypes the 2005 Trump tax return and shows it on air. The Read the full article…

September/19/2014 5:16AM
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If you are still debating whether the media in this country has a far-left political bent stop reading and go back to watching MSNBC. There are certain things mainstream media will support strongly and forever. President Obama comes to mind. He has reached the 38% approval rating despite the media. Gun control is a biggie for Read the full article…