January/05/2013 7:16AM
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Try as you might, my government and the media will not sell me fiction. I consider both as marginally intelligent and completely sold out on ideas that defy common sense. Here are my top examples. 1. Tell me fracking is unsafe and bad for the country every day and I will challenge your facts and Read the full article…

August/30/2012 16:47PM
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If you are an effective leader you know your greatest asset is the people you hire.  Paul Ryan as Romney’s choice for VP helps me to understand Romney’s leadership style and his success in the private sector. Joe Biden explains why Obama fails. The humor the media spins on Biden sickens me. No one that Read the full article…

June/09/2012 16:37PM
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Back in 1992, in his speech to the Republican National Convention, Pat Buchanan railed against the “environmental extremists who put birds and rats and insects ahead of families, workers, and jobs.” Watch this video:   http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=p_5PYN1jDjw For whom is it painful? The consumers in America who are only being saved from record high electricity prices by Read the full article…