June/22/2012 16:37PM
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How many millions has Eric Holder spent trying John Edwards and Roger Clemens? The results were similar in both cases. Juries came back with not guilty verdicts. On  deck will be the Supreme Court ruling on the constitutionality of the madate provision of Obamacare. Meanwhile, Holder faces a contempt of congress change if he doesn’t provide Read the full article…

January/31/2011 16:31PM
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Newt Gingrich was campaigning in Iowa last week. The Drill here, drill now, fiscal conservative was touting ethanol. Ethanol in Iowa of all places. Why would the “would be” darling of the tea party tout ethanol? Because, Newt, if he could get votes, would tout crime in prisons. This is a man without character, without Read the full article…