December/12/2011 16:25PM
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By Obama’s Standards, I am the reason the country is in trouble. I am one of those one-per centers. I have no pension. Like many corporate employees, I took a lump sum retirement. I have to invest to live. Under the Obama administration, there is no place to invest. The stock market is too volatile, Read the full article…

August/12/2011 16:44PM
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According to Democrats, Paul Ryan pushed grandma off the cliff with his proposal to ask future generations, those under 50, to accept changes in Medicare to let granny enjoy her current benefits. Truth doesn’t come into play for politics. Eventually, the Ryan plan, or something like it will happen, but not now. We seniors are Read the full article…

July/01/2011 16:20PM
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First, the deficit numbers reflect current interest rates. These rates won’t stay forever. It’s calculated at 2.5% interest. If interest rates go to the average of 5.7%(past two decade average), the deficit would increase by $4.9 trillion over the next ten years. Next, the growth in GDP is forecast at 4% in 2012, 4.5% in Read the full article…