Want to develop a loser for a health care plan? Go to Massachusetts. Model ObamaCare after RomneyCare. RomneyCare isn’t working, so let’s run the man who put RomneyCare in place as the Republican candidate for president. Why? He’s a businessman. Sure is, he inherited a ton of money from dad. He was a consultant. To Read the full article…
Here they are: The Durbin plan. Modifications of foreign tax credit rules applicable to major integrated oil companies which are dual capacity taxpayers. U.S. taxpayers are taxed on their income worldwide, but are entitled to a dollar-for-dollar tax credit for any income taxes paid to a foreign government. U.S. oil and gas companies have been Read the full article…
It’s not possible to tell what any US corporation pays in US income taxes. They are not required to publish their tax returns and the government can’t release them without permission. You can’t really determine the US income tax from published data. It’s too complex. The GE tax return for 2007 was reportedly 24,000 pages. Read the full article…