Want a laugh? Go to the following site: Outsource.pdf It’s a combination of my issues with HP, earlier blog, and my disgust with our President. With all the economic problems facing local, state, and the Federal government in 2009, one might think the spending at all levels would go down. Household spending went down dramatically. But, recent Read the full article…
California tried it. Creating the most hostile business climate in America. High taxes, onerous regulation, and excessive employee benefits. How’s it working California? Businesses are moving out? Wealthy businessmen moving out? Big hole in your revenue stream? Aren’t all those new government jobs you created filling the hole? Oh, that’s right government employees don’t produce Read the full article…
Remember the USSR and their central planning experiment? Everything for everyone came from Moscow. On 11-16-09 a Alan S. Blinder wrote an article for the Wall Street Journal titled ” How Washington Can Create Jobs.” Mr. Blinder tells us how we can solve unemployment. He tells us what Obama has told us, that the $787 Read the full article…