November/07/2017 5:21AM
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Some Things Never Change   Here is my entry from July 6, 2008. I could have written most of these yesterday. Donald Trump ran on my 2008 platform. Isn’t this sad? You want change, you have to really want change. Otherwise you get this. The swamp did this with help from other institutions noted below: ACLU, universities, Read the full article…

May/24/2012 16:07PM
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The  history of flame retardant furniture is typical. History of fire retardant use in the U.S. Fire retardants were not used in furniture prior to the 1970s when polyurethane foam, which is highly flammable, became widely used for cushioning. One of the first uses of fire retardants in consumer products was a chemical called Tris, Read the full article…

January/31/2012 16:29PM
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It’s not getting warmer. There has been no global warming for the past decade. Quote: climate scientist Kevin Trenberth: “The fact is that we can’t account for the lack of warming at the moment and it is a travesty that we can’t.” It sure is a travesty. Both for the scientific community that get so Read the full article…