November/17/2010 16:13PM
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Many Americans didn’t like it when the rest of the world disliked President George W. Bush. He was too tough, too stubborn, too unwilling to see the wisdom of France. Well, we got that problem fixed. We now have the doormat president. The rest of the world walks on Obama at will. His soaring oration Read the full article…

November/09/2010 18:18PM
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Not satisfied with increasing national debt with failed policies, Obama has yet another benefit headed our way. The failed stimulus bill that went largely to bail out cities and states, added billions to our debt, and met with rejection at the polls, was step one. Obamacare will add more deficits and debt. He calls it Read the full article…

June/28/2010 14:58PM
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Obama says he is happy with the results of the G-20 Conference in Toronto. Wow, how can you be happy when you are dissed by the whole group. Obama went with a message for them to keep spending. He got a message in return. Butt out. Just another slap down for the Anointed One. The Read the full article…