The Obama economic machine is not done with you yet. After Barney and Chris tried the “everyone in America should own their house” idea and destroyed the housing market, the domino’s started to fall. The stock market went to hell and every one’s 401K was halved. Then the jobs went away. Then your health care Read the full article…
The DOJ is spending a lot of time and taxpayer money pursuing lawsuits in Arizona. They challenged Arizona bill 1070, the infamous immigration act that mirrored the Federal Immigration Law. That’s moved on to the court of appeals and will eventually end with the Supreme Court hearing the case. After, at least, 20 more states Read the full article…
Once again our government is showing what little respect they have for our intelligence. The very people who created the housing collapse resulting in the recession and stock market bust are sitting in front of a group of scapegoats accusing them of all kinds of malfeasance. Clinton, Dodd, Frank, and Carl Levin are up to Read the full article…