September/25/2011 16:34PM
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Aren’t they cute, those litter fellers in Washington. Since they can’t get together on three billion to fund FEMA, somehow this shuts down the government. I could investigate why, but I really don’t care. It’s as simple as this. The House passed a bill funding the requirements, but requiring offsetting cuts to pay the tab. Read the full article…

September/01/2010 16:52PM
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I don’t do anniversaries. I do my wedding anniversary to keep peace in the family. I don’t remember the exact date of my plane crash. I don’t celebrate the day I quit drinking over 21 years ago. I believe you have to move on. I began the end of the mass media in the United Read the full article…

July/18/2010 16:23PM
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Remember Michael Brown and Hurricane Katrina? President Bush, said, “good job, Brownie.” Then it hit the fan. It cost Bush the majority in the Congress. Brown was incompetent and everyone paid for his incompetence. FEMA did everything wrong and little right in the aftermath of the hurricane. It caused serious human suffering that didn’t need Read the full article…