December/12/2016 8:56AM
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Hillary Clinton wanted to raise the estate tax to 40%. This has long been a platform of the democratic party. A married couple is successful and accumulates assets. When the last spouse dies the estate goes to probate and the government wants to take a big chunk. In the case of a farm this may mean the Read the full article…

December/17/2010 16:13PM
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Congressional Democrats are trying to drive their 13% approval rating lower. The Senate passed the tax bill by a large majority. The House, however, stalled the vote. Many Democrats in the House are indignant over the proposed estate tax. Finally, they passed it in the wee hours on Thursday. These are the same Democrats that Read the full article…

December/07/2010 16:31PM
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For 2010, as yet, barring a retroactive change, there is no death tax. It died for a year due to the Democrats focus on Obamacare. Yet, our government in it’s infinite wisdom and fairness, will restore that as part of the negotiated tax deal. Supposedly, it will be a mere 35% after $5MM. If no Read the full article…